online trading platform

Like many people I have come into the world trade, hoping to make money quickly, take correspondence courses open a real account - obviously, loss and thus began my career in the world trade difficult.

online trading platform


It was not easy, many times I was about to leave, then returned with greater force and victory, but very difficult time. This was the most difficult journey of my life, there are more than six years now I see with sentimentality that time, and every time I have the opportunity to recruit to speak in the trade I this would emphasize in trading as difficult it is, it is difficult, but the reward is for years I great.6 anyone want to advise me, I explain that much of the trade but not the time to say in this market of child some people, things as they are, some children, the reality of trade with the words paint. I try to make these confessions, and to wait. In the note.

As I said, the car, the means to do a good job, it is difficult, and it is. Most people who enter the world of commerce, they do it with the hope of large quantities to earn money, trade attracts people who love the risk and pushes the Conservatives. Unfortunately, risk-lovers, do not know how to control their emotions in trading and their accounts to swallow at the end. As a lover of risk, your emotions control? Here dine a contradiction, and is one reason why so few operators feed winner consistent over time. No ban, exceptions to the rule feeding, manage some traders their emotions innate, others (most) to learn to control their emotions with time and experience.

Some will say that I am speaking very difficult as well, is the fact that I lived in trade and hope. Dear reader overlook my words. And not by advertising garbage they swayed with a yield of 30% speaking, 40%, the monthly half, or those who make the real accounts quickly. Remember that the only person who is interested in their welfare. And no one else, so ask.

Many children begin a transaction on the Forex market without a minimum of formal training and without something essential when a trade takes place: The Capital Management. Why everyone talks and few understand. The worst thing is that all these people child of a sound marketing fed that makes them think they have only "a few pips deserve to be successful in this market." This is wrong, or at least very questionable. Analyzing mathematically:

We have a novice trader (no formal training as many) who think that "10 pip demolish the market." That is their advantage is 10 pips and in principle also risk 10 pips (stop loss where your loss position is closed). Finally, the risk-benefit ratio of 1: 1 and this mode is the weak argument that work "perhaps" with high leverage and a large number of games.

It is a fact true and inevitable that most novices fall in the short-term foreign exchange or operating systems: steps in very small and graphics function, see both daily operations and a part of the PIP in the market to the detriment, risk more. I wonder: If this mode is effective because it is so many losers? Why, however, the short-term exploitation is not exposed to the risk of volatility products withdrawn easily on the market in this market? Not my dear friend and friend is forgotten in the foreign exchange market very volatile.

The impact of the new short-Trader can be fatal. Feed a number of times good news for a currency, but the couple ends up doing the opposite movement is posted. Then the operator closes the thoughts disoriented and short-term market to you. What it is true, but it is unsuitable for commercial rookie.Respect other way to carry thousands of other colleagues, that the child should have a good short-term traders in some cases, a ban to achieve such a case, "stage" and much practiced accumulated rich experience and judgment in all sectors of commerce. Something that begin a novice operator and did not take long to develop. So to act my recommendation in a logical process that the operator steps and avoiding the feeling of frustration burns.

I know that many of the world of Forex entering surprised how quickly it returns can be filled and affordable is the foreign exchange market, and has several advantages over other financial markets, which avoids but say that person forex trading should learn to learn formally, and that the trade is examined as if it were a new profession, for other reasons. Friend or just wasting your savings probably cost a lot of effort to achieve. I think that everything would be millionaires.

right trading psychology specifically based on the control of emotions, feelings have a direct impact on our capital account. Because we have the best trading strategy, but if you get angry, angry, insecure suffers the account.

Trading is a profession that people Carreras study 4 or 5 years for engineers, accountants, architects, and so on., So we believe that the practice of a two-month demo account are willing to negotiate? This is a very common mistake I've seen dozens of times has formed for trade and control are trained to keep our emotions. In my more than six years experience in the trade, I met dozens of dealers, most of them doctors, engineers, economists, managers and almost all of them in the trade that failed for various reasons, do not learn to control their emotions, is doomed to fail negotiation sentenced a fight against yourself, against our inner fears, our weaknesses, all in day trading, if we learn to master. Online trade.

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When I started in the world of Forex, I have a young man hit my age, the independent electrician time to time, I have to admit that if I had not taken thought, have the right to in the world of technology success Negotiations. I saw incredible time than the time of a consistent winner born, although he did not succeed in a few basic techniques and strategies of negotiation no time panacea strategies knew it profit to gain constantly monitored their emotions in a prodigiously to close losing trades when they should and his funniness or mood dent not the winners, in case of loss or acquired in a transaction not rush to close, try to do a good job, he was disciplined operations. Needless to say that I'm going on with him, now he lives in Australia, manages a portfolio of large investments and several companies in the country.

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